Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy
Based on traditional Chinese Meridian Theories and acupuncture points, microcurrent therapy uses extremely low-level electrical currents to treat nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and other health challenges, which makes the difficult cases (such as Fibromyalgia, lumbar Disc Protrusion, Neuropathy, Tendon and ligament pain) easy.
Auricular Acupuncture - another needle free technique
Auricular Acupuncture uses the external surface of the ear to treat pathological conditions in other parts of the body. Cutaneous ear points can be used to access the whole human body through the nervous and auricular microhormonal systems.
Cupping - needle free technique
Cupping is another very old but very effective technique (needle free) commonly used in an acupuncture clinics. For some acute illness such as acute back pain, shoulder pain, as well as some chronic illness, cupping is even more effective and faster than needling if used properly.
Ear seeds for ear acupuncture - needle free technique
Ear seeds are very tiny small seeds from the Vaccaria plant, they were processed by soaking in extract of several herbal medicine and then dried and packed in individual package just like the packet shown in the left picture.
Hand Patch Therapy - needle free technique
Hand Patch Therapy was discovered by Mr. Zhang, in 2016. By applying some common food ingredients such as millet, pressed pearl barley, black pepper seeds, pumpkin seeds, corn, green bean etc., to the meridians and organs reflected on the hands, one can ease many health problems, especially for various aches and pains.
Single Needle Technique:
Passed down in my family, one single needle can help in over 300 hundreds syndromes. The less needles used, the more accurate acupuncture.
Traditional acupuncture to remove the root of your illness
Traditional acupuncture treats whole bodily systems, help the improvement of physical health conditions as well as disorders, and infuse a feeling of increased mental clarity. It does so by working directly with our body's energy (or Qi) by rebalancing it through treatment of specific points on the body (traditional Chinese acupuncture), on hands (Korean hand acupuncture), and/or in ears (auricular acupuncture).
Trigger Point Massage
Some times, patient's pain area could be very big, patient may be afraid of needles and do not like pellets or other treatment. If it happens, a full body massage with trigger points can help to solve the problem.
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